About Algorithmically Speaking

A newsletter that will explore some of the most beautiful algorithmic problems and solutions in the history of Computer Science.

Or at least that is its original purpose

Don’t be surprised if you find some good old advice for becoming a better Software Engineer, improving your overall Wellness, and becoming a more “Productive” human being.

Who writes this?

I’m Alberto, a Computer Scientist from the University of Havana. I have a passion for Competitive Programming and Algorithms, which led me to participate in two ICPC World Finals as a contestant.

Nowadays, I develop software for a living and contribute to the work that Volvo Cars is doing to create more sustainable, and completely electric vehicles.

I love solving problems in the spheres of Computer Science and Software Development. I also love to teach, which is why I created this newsletter.

Who should subscribe?

Anyone who wants to discover the wonders of Computer Science by learning about algorithms and their applications.

Also, this might be the perfect place for you if you are trying to improve your algorithmic and problem-solving skills. It does not matter if you are doing it to ace a technical interview or just trying to get better because you are a full-time learner like myself.

Since this is a personal blog, you will also be hearing about my experiences in fields that interest me. Those might include sports and music, among others.

Keep reading and I’ll tell you how to get the most out of this newsletter.

Why subscribe?

As a paid subscriber to Algorithmically Speaking you get access to all the free newsletters, as well as

  • Full paid articles and bonus sections on regular articles.

Founding members get all of the above plus a couple of extra things:

  • Priority on publishing guest posts.

If you aren’t ready for a subscription but still want to support my work, you can leave a one-time tip and show your appreciation.

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I will be uploading complementary material to this newsletter on this website. Expect things like:

  • Every custom asset being used on my articles so you can use it on yours.

  • Collections of algorithmic problems by topics so you can master them one at a time.

How to participate?

  • Comment on the posts and share your ideas on the topics I write about every week.

  • Comment with a topic for the article that will be published next week. The most liked comment will be the winner.

  • Send me an email with a proposal for a guest post and we will work together to get it published. Paid members are prioritized here, but every proposal will be reviewed, refined, and published for sure.

Want to join?

If any of this sounds interesting enough, hit that “Subscribe now” button, and let’s get to know each other better.

Also, if you think this publication provides value for anyone you know, share it with them. Nothing will make me happier.

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A journey through the most beautiful algorithmic problems and solutions in the history of Computer Science.


Computer Scientist from the University of Havana with experience in Software Development and a passion for Competitive Programming and Algorithms.